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  • of his King Henry IV., ye which, it seemeth unto me, is not of ye value of an arsefull of ashes, yet they praised it bravely, one and all. Ye same did...
    13 KB (2333 riječi) - 18:13, 26. svibnja 2008.
  • We made righteous. In a tradition of al-Imam al-Ṣādiq (ʿa), nāfilatan here is interpreted as meaning walad al-walad nāfilatan. Cf. Maʿānī al-akhbār,...
    71 KB (9737 riječi) - 19:38, 2. siječnja 2021.
  • ever touched me?’ He said, ‘So it is that Allah creates whatever He wishes. When He decides on a matter He just says to it “Be!” and it is. 48 وَيُعَلِّمُهُ...
    166 KB (22 553 riječi) - 02:43, 6. siječnja 2021.
  • though it is repulsive to you. Yet it may be that you dislike something while it is good for you, and it may be that you love something while it is bad for...
    369 KB (48 650 riječi) - 20:29, 4. siječnja 2021.
  • general discussion of war: it warns the Muslims to be cautious and to defend the weak and helpless ( ff.). Another similar theme is the intrigues of the hypocrites...
    176 KB (23 628 riječi) - 03:05, 6. siječnja 2021.
  • dat, or sometimes d when it is a core argument) is a grammatical case generally used to indi- cate the noun to whom something is given. For example, in...
    285 KB (42 858 riječi) - 22:12, 13. svibnja 2021.
  • Integro autem consiiio hunc — — — — is de hereditate nostra, scribere rogauimus. Ita demum — — 91 ut post obitum meumy ita maneat deo auctore firmum et Btabile...
    1,72 MB (252 680 riječi) - 22:18, 29. prosinca 2021.
  • ni od : Kalnika 4o kilo SB4 m, bod T Uaeš; U| gljrnn * 1 ■ dugim utkanim it (uha) Biljar t h šjuaa (b mjka 1 i U Jeguvaa* » pristojbe) i šjoga ih banderoto...
    210 KB (31 893 riječi) - 23:12, 28. srpnja 2024.
  • Urlgorlje w*«Mss» btrija «tNm ('1880) pripovjedač. Motivi (hehemers) • Uni, b It/tk* Iz lul. Srbije, (..PripOVet* (prirodu niiitM) ke" i „Uzgredni zapisi"...
    183 KB (28 098 riječi) - 12:20, 13. Veljače 2023.
  • me: hotonce (sua sponte) 4. — md: ven- dar 9 11, 32, 34, 48. — mk: zanke 65. — nb : himbene 64, obrambu 65. - nk: menka (deficit) 48, 88. - is: detinstvu...
    884 KB (134 748 riječi) - 11:23, 26. Kolovoza 2013.