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  • sprouts below ye navel. Lady Helen.--Nay, it sprouted two yeres syne; I can scarce more than cover it with my hand now. Ye Queene.--Hear Ye that, my little...
    13 KB (2333 riječi) - 18:13, 26. svibnja 2008.
  • concerned that the momentum for war is now so great that only a determined and statesmanlike intervention will prevent it. The undertakings given by the Knin...
    9 KB (1392 riječi) - 15:06, 23. srpnja 2024.
  • without blemish.’ They said, ‘Now have you come up with the truth!’ And they slaughtered it, though they were about not to do it. 72 وَإِذ قَتَلتُم نَفسًا...
    369 KB (48 650 riječi) - 20:29, 4. siječnja 2021.
  • committing misdeeds: when death approaches any of them, he says, ‘I repent now.’ Nor is it for those who die while they are faithless. For such We have prepared...
    176 KB (23 628 riječi) - 03:05, 6. siječnja 2021.
  • techniques have grown increasingly out of fashion in modern storytelling, and are now usually only included for ironic purposes. Some examples are : „Better to...
    285 KB (42 858 riječi) - 22:12, 13. svibnja 2021.