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Priopćenja Ureda predsjednika Franje Tuđmana srpanj 1995.

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Pismo gosp. J. Akashi-a Predsjedniku Tudjmanu 30.07.1995.



United Nations Peace Forces Headquarters Siege des Forces de Paix des Nations Unies Zagreb

Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Former Yugoslavia

30 July 1995


During discussions today in Knin, Mr.Martic reiterated to myself and General Janvier the commitment of the Knin leadership to a peaceful solution of the conflict. Six specific undertakings werte also made. The exact wording of the undertakings made to me by the Knin leaderhip is recorded on the attached document, which I distributed to the media on my return this evening to Zagreb.

Please accept, Exellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Yasushi Akashi

H.E. Dr.Franjo Tudjman President Republic of Croatia

Following the visit to Knin by Mr. Yasushi Akashi, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the Unitet Nations, and General Bernard Janvier, the Force Commander of the United Nations Peace Forces, and the important discussions held with the leadership in Knin, led by Mr. Martic and in which Mr. Babic and General Mrksic participated, and in light of assessing the extreme seriousness of the situation in the area, the RSK leadership reiterated their commitment to the peaceful solution of the conflict and for that purpose agree to the following:

1. That there are, and there will be, no troops or individual soldiers of the ARSK in the area known as the Bihac pocket.

2. That the ARSK forces will refrain entirely from directing any kind of fire (shell, mortar, tank, etc..) into the Bihac pocket from territory that they control, and expect that the V Corps shall in reciprocity refrain from any offensive action against that territory.

3. That troops and Military Observers of the United Nations deployed in territory under RSK control will be allowed unhindered access to the area bordering the Bihac pocket to monitor any crossing of the border in either direction by any forces.

4. That the military commander of the ARSK, General Mrksic, is prepared to have the first meeting with the commander of the Croatian army at any time under UNPF auspices at the Turanj crossing, including as early as 31 July 1995 at 14:00.

5. Reaffirming their commitment not to carry-out cross-border activities, the RSK reiterates its support for, and willingness to continue the talks with the UNPF regarding the establishment of appropriate observation posts in the area of Mount Dinara, and to facilitate the implementation of the border crossing points under the mandate of UNPF.

6. That no impediments will be placed in the way of delivery of humanitarian assistance to the Bihac pocket, based on the principle of assessed need, and with the understanding that humanitarian aid will be delivered to the Krajina region based on the same principle, as applied by the UNHCR.

30 July 1995


Odgovor Predsjednika Tudjmana gosp. J. Akashiju 30.07.1995.



Nj. E. Yasushi Akashi Posebni izaslanik Glavnog tajnika UN


Vasa ekselencijo,

U odgovoru na Vas fax, koji sam primio danas u 21,30 sati s prilozenim prijedlozima kninskih pobunjenika priopcavam Vam sljedece:

1) zacudjujuce je da u dopisu nigdje ne govorite o UNCRO - mirovnim snagama Ujedinjenih naroda koje su pod tim nazivom dobile mandat za djelovanje u Hrvatskoj rezolucijom Vijeca sigurnosti, a nasuprot tome spominjete kninstvo vodstvo i RSK;

2) za nas je neprihvatljivo da se postrojbe UNCRO rasporede samo na granicu prema bihackom dzepu. Nas je zahtjev bio i ostaje da UNCRO snage preuzmu nadzor nad medjunarodno priznatim granicama izmedju Republike Hrvatske i BiH, ali istovremeno takodjer izmedju Republike Hrvatske i Srbije, odnosno SRJ, sto je posebno aktualno, jer je i ovih dana doslo do novih prebacivanja postrojbi i opreme jugoslavenske vojske preko Dunava;

3) u svezi s recenim pod 2) ne moze biti govora da se promatraci UN za prijelaz preko granice rasporede samo u podrucju Dinare;

4) da srpski pobunjenicki vodje zele ponovo izigrati predstavnike UN i UNCRO u svoju korist vidi se i iz prijedloga da ce dopustiti humanitarnu pomoc za Bihac pod uvjetom da se ona istovremeno dostavlja i njima;

5) ovakvi prijedlozi ne znace nikakve osnove za mirnu reintegraciju, i ne sadrze odgovor ni na jedan uvjet koji sam postavio u razgovoru s Vama u subotu 29. srpnja 1995., kada sam Vam izricito naveo da pregovori o mirnoj reintegraciji s hrvatskim Srbima iz okupiranih podrucja mogu poceti pod sljedecim uvjetima:

a) da hrvatske vlasti nece voditi pregovore s Milanom Marticem, koji je od medjunarodnog suda u Hagu stavljen na listu ratnih zlocinaca, a takodjer niti s ikim drugim u njegovo ime,

b) da pregovori mogu otpoceti ako se u roku 24 sata pusti u promet naftovod koji prolazi kroz okupirano podrucje,

c) da odmah otpocnu izravni razgovori o otvaranju svih komunikacijskih veza preko okupiranih podrucja, a osobito zeljeznicke pruge Zagreb-Split preko Knina, i

d) da se istovremeno vode razgovori o neodloznoj primjeni Ustava Republike Hrvatske na okupiranim podrucjima i odredaba Ustavnog zakona o pravima srpske etnicke zajednice.

6) samo na tim osnovama moze doci do mirnog rjesenja i u tu svrhu do predlozenog razgovora izmedju vojnih i civilnih predstavnika hrvatske vlasti i pobunjenih hrvatskih Srba s okupiranih podrucja.

Sa stovanjem,

Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske

dr. Franjo Tudjman

Brijuni, 30. srpnja 1995., 22,20 sati

Pismo gosp. J. Akashi-a Predsjedniku Tudjmanu 31.07.1995.



United Nations Peace Forces Headquarters Siege des Forces de Paix des Nations Unies Zagreb

Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Former Yugoslavia

31 July 1995

Mr. President,

Thank you for your letter which you sent to me yesterday evening in response to the fax outlining the undertaking that was entered into yesterday by the political leadership in Knin.

May I use the opportunity afforded by this reply, to reiterate my deep concern and that of the international community, that a wider war is imminent. It is a war which can still be avoided by statesmanship and understanding. The undertaking reached yester-day in Knin was an important step and deserves closer attention.

In this regard, may I emphasise that the statement was not a bilateral agreement to which the UN was a party but the record of a commitment made by the leadership in Knin. Thus the omission of UNCRO was solely the decision of the leadership. However, I am of the view that clear acceptance of UNCRO's mandate was implied in other parts of the statement (for example see Paragraph 5).

Paragraph 5 of the statement also mentions the full implementation of the border crossing points under the UNPF mandate referred to in Your Exellency's letter. We took a very firm line with the Knin leadership on this issue emphasising our intention FULLy to implement our mandate. In the present circumstances we are giving priority to the Bihac pocket. However, I wish to assure you that other deployments will follow.

His Excellency

Mr.Franjo Tudjman

President of the Republic of Croatia


I do not believe it is as easy as Your Excellency suggests to outwit the UN representatives whom I lead. On the question of humanitarian aid, we are following, and will continue to follow, the well understood and accepted criteria applied by UNHCR. Aid is delivered, without exception, strictly in accordance with need and should not be obstructed by any of the parties.

With reference to the oil pipeline, the railway line and the very important constitutional matters referred to in your letter, I am fully cognizant of the position of Your Excellency's Government, but as you are aware these are matters within the competence of the ICFY Co Chairmen. I have met yesterday and today with Mr. Stoltenberg and have drawn his attention to your concerns which I know he is already addressing in his efforts to bring about a meeting in Geneva as soon as possible.

Mr. President, I am gravely concerned that the momentum for war is now so great that only a determined and statesmanlike intervention will prevent it.

The undertakings given by the Knin leadership, if implemented promptly and in good faith, would surely mark a significant step towards creating the conditions for peace that you seek. In that event I would have every confidence that a peaceful solution could be found which would fully meet those conditions. In order to achieve it, positive action must be taken now and any preconditions should not be too rigid.

Accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Yasushi Akashi